veSpace launches Sustainability and Technology Division to bolster ESG commitment

We’re delighted to announce the launch of our new Sustainability and Technology Division as part of our commitment to driving ESG initiatives.

The move follows the successful 2022 launch of EVENTsmart product, designed to help clients plan, deliver, and measure sustainability goals for their events.

We believe it’s our responsibility to run a safe and environmentally sound business that supports the communities it works in, and promote good governance. This responsibility sits alongside the business’s commitment to supporting client’s ESG aims through meetings and events delivery.

Our CEO, Anita Lowe, said: “We have a huge passion for sustainability and governance, underpinned by investigating innovative ways of working in our own business, and for the events we deliver for clients. We are in the privileged position of being able to encourage our industry and supply chain in their ESG goals by promoting new initiatives, such as our EVENTsmart product.”

As part of this new division, we are focusing on innovative technology. Having recently relaunched its booking portal with the enhanced Instant Book feature, the agency is working with clients on further enhancements to ensure client efficiencies and cost savings.

Anita continues: “With ESG as guiding business principles, we’ve set ourselves the target of being carbon net zero by 2030, by working smarter, day-to-day. And it’s great to see initiatives like this supporting clients, too. In the eight months since launching EVENTsmart, many clients have adopted it to achieve detailed reports on their carbon footprint, and offsetting. In 2022, we successfully helped one client book over 50% of their meetings into sustainable venues and this target has increased to 70% for 2023. Next on our agenda is enhancing our support to our teams and individual employees in community work and fundraising.”

If you want to find out how to make your next event more sustainable, get in touch with our experts today!

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