C&IT Incentive A-Lister: Paulina Zapala on her recent win

We are very proud to announce our very own Paulina Zapala was a recipient of C&IT’s Incentive A-Listers 2023, but we’re not surprised. Paulina is a superstar when it comes to incentive events and she knows exactly how to make a trip unforgettable.

What the award means to Paulina

We spoke to Paulina to find out what this award means to her. Paulina, Senior Event Manager, explained how she felt when she found out she got the award, “It meant so much to me as its not only recognition for all the hard work I put into these events, but also recognition from my colleagues at veSpace as they were the ones that nominated me. My colleagues see how much work goes into each incentive that I take on, where I work for days, weeks, and months in advance of an event and face many challenges on the way. I’m delighted that they put me forward and I’m even more delighted to have been selected in the Top 20 winners in such a challenging industry.”

What makes a good inventive?

As Paulina mentions, incentive events are no walk in the park. International travel and luxury expeditions can change in the blink of an eye. Paulina talks about why she loves these unpredictable events, “I love incentives, not just because I get to travel to beautiful places across the world, but because there are so many logistical elements involved that I love planning. Incentives are also such personal events that mean a lot to the delegates as they work so hard throughout the year. The client has high expectations as they want their delegates to feel pampered and to have an unforgettable trip. That’s why I always make sure I understand the client and what they want to achieve from the event. This step is so important as I want to make sure I am giving them an event that they love.”

We are so proud of Paulina and all of the work that she does with incentive events. She will continue to be our incentive expert here at veSpace and collect more awards in the process too. 

If you are interested in organising an incentive, please get in touch with us

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