Organising an Incentive

Businesses are run by people. People that work hard, people that deserve acknowledgement for their achievements. People that, sometimes, need a break and a little extra bit of motivation. For that reason, an incentive such as an all-expenses paid holiday in France or a fancy dinner on a yacht could bring that extra spark.

To motivate and reward employees for their efforts an incentive trip or event is essential for a successful business. It’s not all about the relationship with employees, it’s also about their relationship with each other. An incentive trip is a great way to boost the workplace environment, providing a great place for co-workers to relax, unwind and get to know each other outside of work. Here is a list of things to consider when planning an incentive:

What do your employees want?

The main thing to keep in mind is that this is an investment in  staff. What’s important to them is what’s important for the incentive trip or event. If the employees are passionate about food then a Michelin star meal would be a good option. If staff would love to travel, organise a trip abroad and for an unforgettable experience. Communication is key so it’s always best to organise it early so staff can plan around the incentive, and company’s can plan around them. Also, it is integral to keep in mind accessibility and special needs any staff may have.

Why go on the incentive?

It is important to remember why the trip is being held. Is it to simply take a break? Is it a reward for the high performers? Maybe it’s a team-building trip. An incentive can be whatever it needs to be but it’s up to the employer to decide what they want to get out of it.

What to do on the incentive?

Outside of where the trip is being held and the reasons for attending, employers should plan the trip’s activities. Not every employee will want a busy agenda, especially on relaxing break. A good mix of events and downtime is key to a great incentive trip. There’s also giving staff the option to bow out where appropriate for them.

When to go on the incentive?

It’s important to choose the right time to hold the incentive trip or event. Employers should avoid scheduling it during the busiest season or near important deadlines, as this may cause additional stress for employees. Instead, consider scheduling it during a slow period or after a major project has been completed.

How much do you have to spend?

Finally, there’s costs. Any event will incur costs, but an incentive should be an extra special event and that means extra costs to go with it.

Overall, a well-planned and executed incentive trip or event can boost employee morale, foster team bonding, and ultimately lead to increased productivity and success for the business.

At the end of the day, it’s all about what suits the objectives of the organisation. Incentives have become more popular for delegates recently as a way to celebrate their hard work, so why not book an incentive today and do just that!

For more information, please get in touch.


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