Incorporating sustainable measures into your Christmas events

Sustainable christmas events

Christmas is often a time for extravagant parties and indulging in food and drink. But treating your team after a great year doesn’t have to come at a cost to the planet. There are so many simple swaps you can make when organising your party that reduce your waste and support your local community.

We’re sharing our green festive party recommendations to make your event impactful on guests, but not the planet.

Recycled material decorations

We suggest partnering with local artisans, creatives and small businesses to create recycled material decorations. This means your decorations will be unique, handmade, and special to your event. You can even let your guests take one away for their own tree to promote reusing.

Baubles and decorations using recycled materials are perfect in a simple, stylish and sustainable Christmas tree installation. The installation will celebrate sculptural, festive objects with an eco-conscious backstory.

It’s as simple as reduce, reuse, recycle

REDUCE your waste and emissions by using a local Christmas tree supplier. This is beneficial as emissions from transportation are lower and you are supporting local businesses.

Replant the Christmas tree so it can be REUSED at your next sustainable Christmas events. This fuels a circular economy and ensures nothing goes to waste.

Use baubles made out of RECYCLED materials from within the client’s campus or building. These objects can be made by the local artists, crafters and makers who you have collaborated with over the year.

A second life

Consider basing your party around the idea that all the decorations and adornments have been given a second life and a second time to shine. The reused objects are a thing of beauty and not immediately recognisable as made out of waste material. 

Our waste free initiative delivers on its message far beyond optics. It takes a holistic approach which considers our commitment to the environment far beyond the ordinary sustainability scope.

Get in touch with veSpace today to discuss your sustainable Christmas events.

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