EVENTsmart – making meetings and events sustainable

Here at veSpace, we have partnered with Greengage Solutions to launch a new sustainable initiative for clients – EVENTsmart. EVENTsmart is a carbon calculator powered by Smart Carbon that measures multiple emissions of an event.

The launch comes as the largest UK-registered companies and financial institutions are required to report climate-related financial information from April 2022. UK companies must legally become net zero by 2050 and reduce carbon emissions by 60% by 2028.

EVENTsmart aims to support clients with their carbon offsetting while ensuring we remain ahead of the curve on sustainability. Clients using EVENTsmart will receive emissions data reports displaying their offset requirements. Data collected for the reports include travel, accommodation, meeting space, catering, electric & gas, water usage, event materials and general waste.

EVENTsmart is suitable for all types of event programmes as it can measure any form of event. From a live event at a venue, a virtual event, or even an event that uses a client’s office space. It allows for reporting single events or a client’s combined business and provides a self-certified report that clients can share on Companies House.

Our CEO, Anita Lowe, is delighted at the next step of their sustainable journey with Greengage Solutions. She says, “We have embraced the principle of thinking green in all we do – and we see it as our responsibility to share our knowledge and expertise with clients.

“Sustainability is high on the agenda for many of our clients, and we’re always looking for new ways to introduce sustainable initiatives into our events. Having secured the Greengage ECOsmart accreditation for our business in June 2021, launching EVENTsmart was our obvious next step towards further supporting clients with their carbon offsetting.”

Andrew Perolls, CEO of Greengage Solutions, supports the campaign launch. He says, “The UK hosts around 1.3 million business events annually, with a spend of around £40 billion. The event industry is bouncing back after the pandemic, so this will only increase. Therefore, it’s down to businesses to be more responsible around event planning and carbon measurement. Venues and Events International launching EVENTsmart to their clients is a clear demonstration of their commitment to sustainability and supporting the wider meetings and events industry with reducing carbon emissions.”

If you want to find out how to make your next event more sustainable, get in touch with our experts today!

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