Event Planning: Event Legislation

Welcome to our Legal feature in our event planning series where we take a look at different areas of event management. Our next topic is Event Legislation written by Kim Cavilla, COO.

Behind every successful and unforgettable event, there’s a careful balance between creativity and compliance with event legislation and health and safety regulations. We recognise the utmost importance of adhering to legal requirements to ensure the well-being of attendees, staff, and all involved. We’re taking a look into the crucial aspects of event legislation and health and safety, providing insights into pre-event preparation, on-site execution, and post-event responsibilities.

Pre-Event Preparations

Before the first guest arrives, our events team must lay a solid legal groundwork to guarantee a safe and compliant event.

Permits and Licenses. We undertake research to understand the specific permits and licenses required for the event. This may include licenses for alcohol, entertainment, outdoor activities, and more. Ensuring all necessary paperwork is filed and approved is a crucial first step.

Supplier Agreements. The contracts we have in place with suppliers, venues, and partners outline every party’s responsibility regarding health and safety compliance. We ensure we address insurance, liability, and emergency protocols so that everyone is on the same page.

Risk Assessments. Our team conducts thorough risk assessment to help to identify potential hazards, whether they’re related to the event’s layout, equipment, or activities. We develop and document strategies for risk mitigation and share these with the venue and our client.

Ensuring Health and Safety During the Event

Once the event is underway, maintaining a safe environment becomes a top priority. We ensure we have the following in place:

Emergency Plans. Our well-defined emergency plans cover various scenarios, from medical emergencies to weather contingencies. Our events team go over evacuation procedures, first aid, and communication protocols with the venue and client in case of an emergency.

Safety Personnel. Designating a team of trained safety personnel, including medical professionals and security personnel, ensures immediate response to any unforeseen situations.

Crowd Management. Before any large event, we have planned for a smooth flow of attendees, clear signage, and designated crowd control measures throughout the venue. During the event, our on-site event managers implement these measures to prevent overcrowding and potential hazards.

We can also offer an on-site HSSE Expert for any event. We have offered this before on a client event in Geneva at the Large Hadron Collider. We had a full-time health and safety expert on hand in the Incident Room. They did full walk rounds daily, made sure everything was in check, completed risk assessments, and reported back to the client. Our H&S Expert worked through all the necessary paperwork and communicated between the agency, client, and UK team to ensure everything ran smoothly.

Post-Event Accountability and Compliance

Even after the event concludes, legal responsibilities continue. Our commitment to post-event compliance includes:

Incident Reports. At the time of any incident, we ensure to note all relevant details. After the event, any incidents, accidents, or medical emergencies that occurred are written up and dealt with appropriately. This information helps evaluate the effectiveness of safety measures and assists in future planning.

Supplier Wrap-Up. Ensuring suppliers and partners have fulfilled their responsibilities as outlined in their agreements, such as equipment removal or cleanup, maintains a safe and clean post-event environment.

Review and Improvements. Our team conducts a comprehensive post-event review that evaluates health and safety measures, feedback from attendees and staff, and any legal concerns helps identify areas for improvement in future events. This is flagged up in our Post-Event Debrief.

What to Remember When Planning an Event

Within our Events Team, there are essential considerations to bear in mind throughout the event planning process:

Know the Regulations. Our experiences and knowledgeable Events Team stay up-to-date with local, regional, and national event legislation and ensure to incorporate this into every event they are involved in. They fully understand the legal framework which is crucial for a compliant event.

Insurance Coverage. Our team looks into adequate event insurance, including liability and public liability coverage, which provides protection against unexpected incidents and potential legal claims.

Constant Communication. Any new procedures surrounding policy is openly communicated around the team so that everyone can comply. Our health and safety information is provided to every new starter in the business and is regularly updated and communicated.

Event legislation and health and safety are non-negotiable aspects of successful event planning. Our commitment to navigating the legal landscape, adhering to safety protocols, and ensuring the well-being of all attendees sets the foundation for a positive and memorable event experience. By prioritising pre-event preparation, maintaining safety during the event, and fulfilling post-event responsibilities, we not only meet legal requirements, but we also create a reputation for producing safe and enjoyable events that leave a lasting impression.

If you would like to find out more, please get in touch with us.

About Kim

Kim is passionate about both her clients and employees. She is able to bring a sense of calmness and balance but an urgency to be successful. Kim is a great believer that to retain and grow a client base you need to nurture your team, provide the right tools to deliver operational excellence and strategic customer management.

Her journey with veSpace began in May 2004 where she held the position of Director of Events for Venues Event Management, leading a team of 12, to then take on this role at Agiito (formally Capita Travel and Events), successfully managing multiple teams across Swindon, Derby, London and Stockport.

Kim re-joined veSpace in February 2018 as COO, leading the operational aspect of the business across venue find and events whilst continuing to play a pivotal role in maintaining client relationships and ensuring excellence in service in the events we deliver.

Kim’s career has given her the opportunity to work in both a small agency environment and for a large PLC, meaning she is in the unique position to be able talk to multitude of clients and stakeholders and articulate the right solution for their needs.

Clients are at the heart of what Kim does, and always will be!

Get in touch with Kim at kim.cavilla@vespace.co.uk.

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