Greengage Solutions’ Insights Live Sustainability Awards 2023

Greengage Solutions hosted their first ever Insights Live and Sustainability Awards at the Marylebone Hotel in London on Thursday 26th January 2023 and we were delighted to attend. Katie Venner and Jen Green from our team attended the event on behalf of us. We were over the moon to be in the final for the Sustainable Initiative of the Year – Agency. We were even more delighted to go along, network with other sustainable-focused companies, and take in the intriguing discussions from experts.

The Marylebone Hotel was decorated beautifully and in keeping with the ‘green’ theme. Guests were given recycled, reusable cotton bags and a bamboo toothbrush. Reusable materials are used to make the name badges. There was a magnificent ‘living wall’ on display at the awards. A local company creates and repurposes flowers ordinarily thrown out after an event and creates a spectacular wall using them.

Firstly, the event started at 2.15 pm where attendees had the chance to network. They also got to explore the beautiful interiors of the Marylebone Hotel. Then at 5 pm, guests listened to keynote speaker Tommie Eaton, the Director of Bambuu Brush and Clean The World. Eaton is a young entrepreneur who has created sustainable bamboo toothbrushes. He has worked with Virgin Atlantic, Etihad Airways, LUSH cosmetics, and Channel4 to attempt to create positive change through sustainable products, educational workshops, and impact projects. After the impressive opening from Tommie, the CEO of Greengage Solutions, Andrew Perolls, then provided an in-depth insight into how the company is doing and its plans. Katie and Jen then listened to a panel of four sustainability experts from the hotels, travel, and business industries. They all with differing views on what is crucial within sustainability which prompted an interesting discussion.

The Takeaway

Finally, the Sustainability Awards ceremony rolled around, and we were already ecstatic to have been shortlisted for an award. While we didn’t come away with the win, we learned so much about how we can make a difference as an agency. We got some ideas on what practices we can tie in to help support our clients. Our team loved being a part of this event, and it has opened our eyes to many new ‘green’ possibilities.

If you’d like to find out more about our sustainability policies, please get in touch.

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