OG Venue Find Processes

We are all familiar with the ever-changing event industry, forever on the edge of progress and expansion – because, clearly, stagnation is so last century. Today we turn our focus to venue finding and the old school tools us event profs once worshipped. The classics have been politely nudged aside by the shiny new gadgets from our move into the digital world. While we look forward to what the future holds, it’s also quite the experience to kick back, reminisce, and marvel at the what once was. Ah, the good ol’ days when flip phones were cool, and finding a venue didn’t involve deciphering a whole new language – those were the times! Here are some old school tools event profs used to source a venue:

Fax Machines

In pre-digital times, fax machines were instrumental in communicating with potential venues. Event planners would send and receive information about availability, pricing, and details via fax. Now of course, we all use email, online meetings, and text, meaning fax machines are now largely obsolete in the venue-finding process.


The Rolodex, a rotating file device holding contact cards, was a staple for maintaining a curated list of venue contacts. Event planners would manually flip through the Rolodex to find suitable venues. Today, digital contact management systems and sophisticated databases have replaced the tactile experience of using a Rolodex.

Printed Directories

Before the world began using the Internet, event planners relied on printed directories to discover potential venues. These directories compiled information about various venues and their offerings. The digital era has made these printed resources obsolete, as planners now turn to online platforms and apps for comprehensive and up-to-date venue information.

Phone Books

Similar to printed directories, phone books were once a go-to resource for finding venue contact information. Event planners would scour these thick books to identify potential locations. The efficiency and immediacy of online search engines have rendered phone books virtually unusable in the contemporary event planning landscape.

Physical Site Visits Only

In the past, event planners heavily relied on physical site visits to assess venues. With the evolution of virtual tours and 3D mapping technologies, planners can now explore potential venues remotely. This shift has significantly reduced the need for frequent in-person visits during the initial stages of venue selection. However, popping into a venue for a site inspection still holds much value and allows our team to get a deep insight into what the venue can offer.

Bulletin Boards and Posters

In the days before digital advertising and social media, event planners would rely on physical bulletin boards and posters to discover information about available venues. These tangible displays have been replaced by online platforms, where venues can showcase their offerings through websites, social media, and digital advertisements.

What’s the Big Difference?

All of these old school tools have one major thing in common – tangibility. We used to love having printed, physical copies of information. Now, thanks to technological advancements, we can access everything digitally. This is a great step forward for sustainability as we are switching from single-use material to paperless – cutting down effects from paper production and printing.

However, our digital technology still isn’t the best solution for our planet. Even sending an email uses energy that causes an adverse effect on our planet. Financial Times claimed that if every British person sent one fewer thank you email a day, it would save 16,433 tonnes of carbon a year, equivalent to tens of thousands of flights to Europe. So, bear this in mind before clicking ‘Reply’.

As technology continues to advance, the tools used for finding event venues will likely undergo further transformations, leaving behind more traditional methods in favour of efficient, digital solutions. What new solutions will leave our current ones obsolete?

Get in touch with us to find out more.

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